Nelson Pecora
Assistant Instructor
Sandan, Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei
Sandan, US Federation of Battodo
Shodan, International Battodo Federation
Nelson has been training with the Brooklyn Battodo study group since the very first class. Previously, he studied Siljun Dobup under Raab Rashi sensei as well as some Aikido under various teachers. He’s fascinated by parallels between different styles and arts, and attends seminars from other schools whenever the opportunity arises. Nelson regularly visits Seizankai Dojo (ZNTIR headquarters) in Japan, and has been studying Japanese since 2017. As media director for the U.S. Federation of Battodo, he helps promote the spread of Japanese sword arts in the United States and foster community between dojos of various styles.
2024 Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei Taikai (Tokyo, Japan)
Silver Medal, Kumitachi
Bronze Medal, Nidan/Sandan Kata2024 International Battodo Federation Taikai (London, UK)
Silver Medal, Team Tameshigiri2023 Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei Taikai (Machida, Japan)
Bronze Medal, Kumitachi
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