Anthony Deen
Assistant Instructor
Yondan, Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei
Sandan, US Federation of Battodo
Shodan, International Battodo Federation
Anthony has been interested in the Japanese sword since seeing Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai at age 14. Anthony began studying Muso Shinden-ryu Iaido and aikido with the late Paul Sylvain sensei and continued kenjutsu and aikido study with Obata Toshishiro sensei, earning shodan in Yoshinkan-style aikido. Anthony began studying Toyama-ryu Battodo with Zach Biesanz as one of Zentokan Dojo’s first students. He has competed internationally and won medals for kata, tameshigiri, team tameshigiri, and kumitachi.
Outside of the dojo, Anthony holds a master’s degree in Historiography and has written and lectured on Japanese history from 1853 and present. Anthony also studies Masaoka Den Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iai Heiho with Morgan Hooper sensei, western archery, Vinyasa yoga, and Shodo, Japanese calligraphy.
2024 International Battodo Federation Taikai (London, UK)
Silver Medal, Team Tameshigiri2023 US Federation of Battodo Tri-State Taikai (New Jersey, USA)
Silver Medal, Nidan/Sandan Kata
Bronze Medal, Kumitachi2019 US Federation of Battodo Tri-State Taikai (New Jersey, USA)
Bronze Medal, Shodan/Nidan Tameshigiri
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