Our Curriculum

We teach the curriculum of the Zen Nihon Toyama Ryu Iaido Renmei, led by Hataya Mitsuo sensei, and the U.S. Federation of Battodo, led by Sang Kim sensei.


Our curriculum includes a significant focus on foundational concepts and a conditioning system called tanren.

The three dragonflies on our kamon represent the other pillars of our training:



The core of our practice, kata are prescribed forms that begin from the draw. We teach solo kata, partnered kata (kumitachi), and exercises using wooden swords (bokken).

Kata help you learn proper form, posture, footwork, and integrated body movement.


To test our technique and composure, we practice cutting tatami mats that have been soaked in water. The mats will teach you aim, angle, proper grip, and power generation.

Advanced cutting patterns include multiple flowing cuts and footwork.


Gekken teaches distance, timing, control of the center, and reading your opponent's intentions while hiding your own. We practice with swords designed for sparring.

Their design ensures a safe, educational experience that challenges the body and the mind.

"On the first day of training, sword and human meet as alien objects; over time they become one living thing. Eventually, the blade will magnify and project the actions of the body, reflect mood and mindset, and ultimately point the way to the core of being."

— Kurikara: The Sword and the Serpent

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We invite prospective students to observe class and ask questions anytime.